dog training

Dog Training- Manhattan, Bronx, Queens, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Long Island, Westchester, and Yonkers

Unable to display content. Adobe Flash is required. If you have a puppy or dog that is running the house, thinks they are the boss, and/or is becoming taxing to you daily....then you found the right dog training school.

We have the Solution to your Problem, we can give you that dog or puppy you thought you brought home or the one that you have always wanted
Welcome to our Elite Dog Training, the dog training school that supplies you with the Solution to your everyday dog problems.

Kiss the frustration good-bye, our Easy to employ dog and puppy training methods will allow you and your k9 to bond very quickly, and more importantly, almost effortlessly.

Many dog training schools are able to train your dog or puppy to become obedient, however, they often suffer from the lack of ability to teach you, or to ensure that you understand the concept and philosophy behind dog training.

It is our firm belief that if you know why you do something it makes it easier for you to do it correctly.

Our Elite Dog Training excels in our famous dog board and train program serving dog and puppy owners from the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, Manhattan, Long Island, and New Jersey.